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State Performance Plan

State Performance Plan

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) collects data from local educational agencies (LEAs) for the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). LEAs are required to report data on sixteen State Performance Plan Indicators (SPPIs) identified by the United States Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs. SPPI 17: State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is a comprehensive multi-year plan for improving
results for children with disabilities. SPPI 18: General Supervision measures the effectiveness of the State's general supervision system in ensuring LEA-level written findings of noncompliance with IDEA are corrected within one year.

LEAs are required to provide valid, timely, and reliable data that reflect the measurement for each SPPI. TEA considers data certified and submitted by LEAs to be final and uses the LEA's performance on the indicators in the annual determinations analysis. Any issues related to the submission of inaccurate data or the
non-submission of data is addressed by the Division of Special Education and the Department of Review and Support.

The data sources and requirements for collection vary by reporting priorities or SPPIs.

1. Graduation
2. Dropout
3. Participation and Performance rates on State Assessments
4. Suspension/Expulsion Rates
5. Educational Environment, (School Age)
6. Preschool Environments
7. Preschool Outcomes
8. Parent Involvement


9. Disproportionate Representation – Special Education 
10. Disproportionate Representation – Disability Category

Child Find

11. Timely Initial Evaluation – Child Find

Effective Planning and Outcomes

12. Early Childhood – ECI to ECSE
13. Postsecondary Planning
14. Post-School Outcomes


15. Resolution Sessions 
16. Mediation
17. State Systematic Improvement Plan 
18. General Supervision

If you have any questions on submitting your district data for the State Performance Plan, contact:

Desiree Caddell
Director of Special Education | Legal Framework Lead