PEN (Parent Training and Information Center for Regions 14-19)
The Parent and Family Engagement Newsletter
Foster Care and Student Success
Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Process (16 languages)
Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Special Education Process
Notice of Procedural Safeguards (20 languages)
Texas Project First (created by parents for parents)
What is a Surrogate Parent? (brochure) ENG | SPAN
SPEDTEX (special education information center) Surrogate Parent Training and Resources
Parent Companion-First Five Years
Parent Handbook for Special Education
Center for Parent Information and Resources
Casa de Amigos Midland
The mission of Casa de Amigos is “to improve the quality of life throughout the community by helping people help themselves”. The agency provides comprehensive services in four main program areas: Youth and Adult Education, Senior Services, Social Services and Health Wellness.
Community Health Improvement Postseconday Outcomes Programs (statewide information)
Find out more about case management and who qualifies.
Center on Disability & Development Directory of Community Resources in Texas
Listing of disability resources and community services. Search by County.
Community Resource Coordination Groups (CRCG)
CRCGs help people with complex needs that cannot be met by a single agency. They join people or families with public and private agencies to get people the help they need. Search by county.
ECI Resource Guide/Central Directory (statewide information)
Midland Rehab Center
Midland Children’s Rehabilitation Center provides occupational, physical and speech therapy as well as tutoring for children with dyslexia.
Navigate Life
This website is for families and parents of children with disabilities or special health-care needs. It is designed to offer support, inspiration, resources, and links to services available.
Parent Companion - First Five Years
Partners Resource Network – PEN Project
This parent training and information center helps parents understand their child's disability, rights and responsibilities under IDEA, obtain and evaluate resources and services, and participate as team members with professionals in planning services for their children.
PermiaCare (formerly Permian Basin Community Centers) provides services to help people live satisfying, responsible and productive lives. Services include Mental Health Services (M
Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services (IDD), Substance Abuse Services, Veterans Services, and HIV Services.
Permian Basin Rehab Center
Permian Basin Rehabilitation Center has provided comprehensive and multidisciplinary services to the people of West Texas.
S.H.A.R.E. West Texas
SHARE West Texas offers respite care for children with special needs, parent support, and sibling support.
Speech Language Behavior
Speech, Language and Behavior offers speech therapy and Pediatric Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children ages 0-18.
Texas 211
Find information about resources in your local community.
Texas Criminal Justice Coalition County Resources
Resources include community health services, education assistance, housing and legal aid services, employment services, legal clinics, parole offices, and treatment programs. Search by county.
Texas Head Start Association
Locate a Head Start program in your area.
Texas Health & Human Services (search using Zip Code)
This Resource Guide contains information about resources to families of children with developmental delays or disabilities, professionals who have an interest in families, and anyone interested in the well-being of young children and their families.
Texas Parent to Parent
This website provides support, information, and education to families of children of all ages who have disabilities or chronic illness.
Texas Project First Community Support Resources
Community Support Services include listings for education, long-term services & supports, traditional Medicaid, and other Community Service Agency Resources.
United Way
Find your local United Way.
Workforce Solutions Child Care Services
Workforce Solutions Permian Basin offers subsidized childcare services throughout the 17 counties of the Permian Basin. The goal of the childcare program is to enable low-income families to become self-sufficient by providing childcare services while the parent works or is in training to improve their job skills.
Renee Walker
Educational Consultant| Legal Framework